Best Gifts for A Therapist in 2020


It's gifting season! If you have a friend or loved one who is a therapist and you are racking your brain with what to get them in 2020, you're in good luck! As a therapist, I can give you the insight because I asked my therapist friends what they loved this gifting and getting this year.

When I scan this list, what jumps out at me is the importance of self-care. Therapists routinely care for others, worry about others, and are constantly trying to strike the balance of education, growth, and staying resourced.

Take a look at this roundup to give a great gift that your therapist friend is craving.

1. EMDR Training

"This year I purchased and completed the EMDR training course from EMDR Consulting. This was an amazing way to level up my clinical skills for working with trauma. I especially loved that my trainer taught from an attachment-focused perspective. My clients have found so much healing from EMDR!"

—Shannon Bagnara, Beyond Therapy LV

2. Joining A Group Coaching Program—Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out

"Investing in myself with coaching through “Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out” was really helpful to be aware of how my money mindset impacted me and in some ways, held me back. Since taking the course, I'm way more open to talking to my clients about money, which is funny because I didn't even know that I wasn't open to it. Not only that, I've been able to practice the things I've learned. I've been networking without ick and I've even been able to raise my fees!"

—Danielle Wayne, Millennial Therapy

3. Intuitive Artwork by Hold Space Creative

"I've watched Monica share on Instagram designs she created specifically for members in her community and audience. When she offered them in print form, I knew it was the gift I needed. For me, her unique prints remind me of the importance of holding space for myself, just as much as caring for others."

—Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, Mind Money Balance

(Did I quote myself, yes, yes I did) *Note, these prints are only available until 12/31/20. After then, you can gift your therapist friend any of the other website goodies from Hold Space Creative*

4. “The Financial Anxiety Solution” book and “The Marketing Lab” program

"This year was the first time I started seeing my practice as a business, but I had no idea how to treat it as such. I wanted to learn how to implement systems and work on my mindset and these two produces were extremely helpful! They were both developed by WOC, and provided practical and therapeutic resources I could use for myself and to best serve my clients!"

—Alejandra Matos, Resiliencia Vital

5. Blue light blocking glasses

“My poor eyes are very sad from so much screen time! I’ve been looking at these ones from Felix Gray. I feel like my eyes are so fatigued these days and hope these will help!”

—Margaret Levasseur, Grove Emotional Health

6. Theragun

"The theragun was a purchase my partner wanted to make. At first, I was reluctant because the price tag is high, but with both work from home and sit most of the day so our back pain is through the roof! It has helped so much with managing our pain and has given us an easy way to get relief."

—Allyssa Dziurlaj, Crooked River Counseling Services

7. Zoom Art Classes

"I bought a drawing class from Ramon Hurtado and a painting class from Natalia Fabia. Surrounding myself with beauty and having a creative outlet to hone a skill felt really important for self-care this year. It was also during the lockdown, and having social interaction in an art class with like-minded people was so needed!"

—Stephanie Gardner-Wright, Stephanie Gardner-Wright Therapy

8. Self-Care Classes for Therapists

“As therapists, we are acutely aware of our role in helping others manage their stress and overwhelm, and we aren’t always inclined to give ourselves that same attention. By taking courses with Therapist Refresh and turning inward, I gave myself the opportunity to receive the gift of my own healing energy.”

—Teague Simoncic, Grove Emotional Health


2020 Review: Mind Money Balance by the Numbers


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