Financial Wellness is a Revolutionary Act: Mamas Talk Money


Financial wellness is a revolutionary act for womxn.

When Chelsea Brennan of Smart Money Mamas reached out to me to participate in a 5-day summit with 40 speakers to talk money, I nearly jumped out of my skin. (Now, it helped that when we hopped on a Zoom call, Chelsea casually dropped "oh, I just got off the phone with Glennon." As in, the NYT bestseller Glennon Doyle). Summits are a dime a dozen these days. And honestly? Most of them are ways for the organizers to snatch up a bunch of emails to try and grow their lists.

But not this one.

How do I know? Because I'm a whiz at sniffing out gross marketing and sales tactics, and Chelsea and I have known each other for over a year. Her work is mission-driven, not email list-driven. She vets her sponsors and curates speakers to ensure that participants (aka YOU, it's free to register after all) are getting everything they need to know about feeling comfortable and confident with their money.

While the five-day summit is free (at the time of this post, over 1,500 mamas have already registered), it pays to upgrade to an All-Access Pass for $69.

The Mamas Talk Money All-Access pass includes access to over 30 incredible women who are preparing to share their best money tips and stories with you. It's going to be amazing.

I know you're ready to ditch money stress and get control of your money once and for all. So, obviously, I know you're going to be sitting with me at the FREE version of the Mamas Talk Money Summit But I also know that you're serious about this.

And if we're going to be REALLY serious, you and I both know we aren't going to learn everything necessary to unravel years of bad habits and limiting mindsets in five days of furious note-scribbling. And, as we all know, information alone doesn’t mean transformation (as Ramit Sethi tweeted, for proof of this all you need is to see a group of healthcare workers smoking cigarettes outside of a hospital). This is why taking time to really engage with the content in a non-frantic way will increase the odds that what you learn transforms you and leads to behavior change.

This is why I'm introducing you to the Mamas Talk Money All-Access Pass.

It's only $69. And nope, I didn't forget any zeros.

That's $69 of online shopping you don't have to feel guilty about (which you shouldn't anyway if you've been following me for a while).

For $69, you get extended access to over 30 speaker presentations, totaling over 35 hours worth of content from expert women in the personal finance, business, and career development spaces.

You'll also get access to podcast downloads of the speaker’s presentations if you'd rather listen in the car, beautiful one-page summaries of each talk, and with lifetime access you'll get a bundle of bonuses from speakers totaling over $300. (Click here to check out all the templates, planners, and other goodies like amazing giveaways).

Inhale, exhale, let that sink in.

And if you're a numbers gal, here are some numbers to break down how obvious it is that you should get your pass NOW before the price goes up (it goes up when the summit starts on October 12, 2020):

  • You could invest $200 to $500 in a course that has a QUARTER as many hours of content OR you could get access to over 35 hours of content on 5 course-length topics (Thriving Mindset, Foundations at Home, Security, Legacy, and Passion+Purpose) PLUS unique workbooks, courses, checklists and more from over 30 expert minds.

  • You could buy 10 fancy matcha drinks with a satisfaction time of ~1 hour each, OR you could invest in your financial future and return that $69 by getting a handle on your spending, learning how to earn more, and investing for future-you.

  • You could wait until this pandemic is over and spend $1,000 to $2,500+ to attend a live conference, OR you could get all of the same (and more!) content RIGHT NOW from the exact same speakers from the comfort of your home (for $69).

  • You could grab all the knowledge you can during the live event and then try to piece the rest together yourself over the next 12 to 36 months, probably making money missteps along the way that could cost you hundreds of dollars, OR you could save your sweet, future-self tons of time and money, by getting all the content in one location for you to access whenever you're ready, as many times as you'd like.

The All-Access Pass price is GOING UP on the day the Summit starts!

If you haven't registered for the Mamas Talk Money summit, you can do so FREE right here, and while you're in there, make sure you treat yo' self and get that All-Access Pass.

Why should you pay for All-Access when you can get time-limited access to the Summit for free?

Because when you do, you support the organizers and speakers who have dedicated their time, energy, and expertise to helping mamas get financially empowered.

You'll be putting your money where your mouth is and investing in yourself.

Remember when I said financial wellness is revolutionary? I wasn't kidding; investing in other womxn, and yourself, is a radical act. Womxn are told time and again (indirectly and directly) that they should let other people manage their money, that they won't "get' money, that money isn't for them. Time to clap back.

Invest in yourself and support these amazing womxn (including yours truly, I’ll be following the one and only Glennon Doyle and will cover coping with financial anxiety) by grabbing your All Access Pass today.

Want even more reasons to join?

Womxn . . .
🤢 See wages drop after having a child, men do not: Mothers on average are paid 71 cents to every dollar paid to fathers
🤢 Make up only 37 of the CEOs on the Fortune 500 list
🤢 Are 5x more likely than men live paycheck to paycheck, without an emergency fund
🤢 Hold 71% of their assets in cash vs 60% held by men
🤢 Retire with two-thirds the money that men do
🤢 Are 80% more likely to be impoverished in retirement

BUT womxn . . .
✊🏾 Make for more profitable companies when in executive leadership positions
✊🏾 Are better overall leaders as rated by their colleagues than men were
✊🏾 Are more likely to repay loans
✊🏾 Give more to nonprofits on average than men do
✊🏾 Consistently outperform male investors

Ready to get your financial house in order? Register today to learn from 40 powerful womxn (including ME!). The summit is free, but you can upgrade for lifetime access and swag, and help support the womxn who are speaking and putting on the event.


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