Get Your Money Aligned and on Autopilot


Overwhelmed with everything in the world and yet . . . bills gotta get paid.

In my self-paced online course for couples, I walk you through assessing your relationship, looking at your values and how you are (or aren't!) spending saving and investing in alignment with said values, and of course, guide you through fully automating your money.

Free up space in your mind, quiet the financial indecisiveness and overwhelm by buying Clarify for Couples today!

This course is great for you if you are a part of a couple who shares the bulk of expenses or fully shares their financial accounts. So many “budgets” rely on shame, restriction, and cutting back. In its course, I help you get your money aligned and on autopilot by tailoring it to you. What are your values? What makes you happy? What do you wish you had money for?

From there, I’ll show you how to automate your saving so when it comes time to take that trip or upgrade your couch, you won’t have to panic about where you are going to find that money. Why? Because you’ll have automated your savings for those exact expenses!

Learn how to make a spending plan fun by grabbing access today.


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