Women as Breadwinners: Three Tips to help the Female Breadwinner in your Life


29% of women in heterosexual marriages are the breadwinner. And of those 29%, most of them say they are less content in their relationship than their peers who are making equal amounts or where their partner makes more.

Instead of falling into that statistic, let me offer a few tips to help you stand in your strength as the breadwinner, or help the breadwinning woman in your life own her power.

  1. Notice your breadwinning thoughts and feelings.

  2. Practice cheering on other women’s moments of success.

  3. Take a non-financial audit of your assets.

If you are in a relationship and need help getting the money talk started, I’ve created a free guide “5 Ways to Start the Money Talk.” In the guide, I offer five different ways you can start the money conversation, including the exact language you can use to initiate a healthy and productive money conversation with your spouse. Click below to get your hands on the free guide today.

Empowering Financial Conversations for Modern Couples

In today's world, women are increasingly taking the lead as breadwinners in their households. This shift can bring wonderful opportunities, but it can also lead to new financial conversations for couples. If you're navigating this dynamic, don't feel alone! My course, "Clarify Your Money: For Couples," equips you with proven conversation starters, clear communication strategies, and practical steps to create a unified financial plan that works for both of you. Invest in your financial future together – enroll in the course today:


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2019 Year in Review as the first Financial Therapist