32: Family Money Stories with Josie Rosario


Josie Rosario is a NYC-based licensed therapist who supports individuals and couples in having healthier relationships with themselves and others. Josie and I cover the money stories she inherited from her family, checking in on the "why" when it comes to spending, and getting comfortable sitting with uncomfortable feelings.

Josie Rosario is an NYC-based licensed therapist who supports individuals and couples in having healthier relationships. She's also the owner of The Healing Strategy that helps therapists market themselves. We cover the money stories she inherited from her family, checking in on the “why” when it comes to spending, and getting comfortable sitting with uncomfortable feelings.


  1. Our family shapes our relationship with money. Josie talks about both coming from a family of entrepreneurs and how their relationship with money impacted her. She shared that her family believed that money only came with hard work, and how she had to reframe that hustling nonstop isn’t the only way to earn an income.

  2. Getting comfortable with discomfort. Money stuff can be awkward. Josie talks about the importance of sitting with the discomfort when it comes to money whether in the therapy room or with her family and friends.

  3. Checking in with the “why.” When it comes to money, Josie shared how assessing what she was spending her money on making sure she was spending her money on things she not just wanted, but needed. This is something that comes up alllll the time! We have to make sure that we are spending on things because they are important to us, not because someone else told us that’s how we should be spending.

If you are a therapist in private practice ready to intentionally set your fees, call in aligned clients, and authentically niche down, I’m thrilled to share with you that I’m accepting applications for my next cohort of Grow a Profitable Practice from the Inside Out! It’s a 9-week group coaching program full of evidence-based financial psychology, tips and strategies, and guest experts in the field, like Josie! Josie is a special guest in this round, sharing her tips on authentic marketing, including creating a plan, what to share on social media, and how long you should focus on your plan to get results!

More about today’s guest: Josie Rosario is an NYC-based licensed therapist who supports individuals and couples in having healthier relationships with themselves and others.  She comes from a long lineage of healers, serving others and my community is in her blood. She’s done this as a classroom teacher, assistant principal, and most recently, as a therapist and social worker, a calling that’s always lived in the depths of her intuition. Learn more about her therapy work at her website.

Resources: Profit First


33: Marie Fang Overcomes Frugality


31: Annie Schuessler Talks Money Rituals