56: A Highly Sensitive Therapist Covers Money in Private Practice



In this episode, we cover how working longer meant being on the verge of burnout, financial self-compassion, and tips on money for HSPs.

Takeaways from Stephanie Gardner-Wright

  1. Avoid people-pleasing

    Stephanie shared how she was primed to work in low-paying jobs, serving as many as possible, and overfilling her schedule as being a part of being a “good” social worker. She said her desire to do all of these things came from a drive to be a people-pleaser. As an HSP, people-pleasing literally made her sick. Whether you are an HSP or not, check in with the motive behind pleasing others. If you aren’t a therapist, how is people-pleasing harming your relationship with money? Get curious about what you can do to dial down the desire to people please.

  2. Financial Self-compassion

    Financial self-compassion is a theme that often comes up with my clients and guests. This is about being kind and generous to yourself when you make a financial mistake. Rather than spiral on “I should have done X,” practice saying “I did X, and I’ve learned from it and forgive myself for making that mistake.”

  3. Creating Systems that Work for You

    Stephanie shared that she automates her money to help simplify the emotional load of money management. I’m also a huge fan of automation and have everything from bill pay, savings accounts, and monthly investments on “automatic.”

More About Stephanie Gardner-Wright

Stephanie is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist who specializes in teaching Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) how to stop putting their own needs dead last and start feeling centered and confident instead. She enjoys helping sensitive people reframe their sensitivity as one of their greatest assets instead of something they resent about themselves. You can learn more about her, including working with her if you are a Michigan resident, plus follow her on TikTok or Instagram.

Group Coaching for Therapists

Are you a therapist in private practice struggling with the money side of your practice? Imagine what the world would be like if you didn’t have to sweat when you took time off, you could say yes to aligned clients with ease, and you had others with who you could talk money with. In my group coaching program “Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out,” you’ll do just that. Over the course of three months, you’ll learn money mindset tips, sustainable practice strategies, all while in a community of others who are working toward creating a healthy relationship with money. Each week, we will cover a certain money-minded theme. We start out with money mindset, build to financial strategies for your practice, and end with the foundations of niching and marketing. The format is a combination of education, plus a dose of coaching and collaborative coworking. There’s space each month to soak up all you’re learning and have time to implement with feedback from myself and other members.


57: Toronto Therapist Talks Money and Social Justice


55: Financial Self Care with Taylor Broughton