5 Common Reasons People Cheat [Financially] and How to Prevent it


Financial infidelity sounds scary, but it’s preventable! In this video, I’ll show you the common things that might lead a person in a couple to “cheat” financially, and ways to prevent it from happening.

Here's the rundown of the five reasons I see that lead couples to commit financial infidelity:

  1. Mismatched financial priorities

  2. Consumer Debt

  3. Overextending Spending/budgets

  4. Not having a plan on how to spend discretionary money

  5. Combining accounts without talking about it beforehand

    Rebuild Trust with Open Communication

Financial secrets can damage any relationship. If you suspect financial infidelity is creating distance between you and your partner, it's time to rebuild trust. My course, "Clarify Your Money: For Couples," provides proven conversation starters, clear communication strategies, and tools to achieve financial transparency. Heal your relationship – enroll today:


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