CERTAINTY is my word for 2020. Why amidst all the chaos I'm more certain than ever

There's no way I can say things about our current situation that already haven't been said. I'm following the news, taking physical distancing seriously, and trying to see the silver lining of all the beauty of common humanity I've seen exemplified over the past few days.

You know to wash your hands. Stay home. Don't go anywhere you don't absolutely need to. Buy local, even if that means gift certificates for later. Tip generously. Call your family, friends, neighbors. Send prayers and texts to those who don't have the option to work from home, especially our front-line workers such as those in healthcare, public service, and our hourly employees who are stocking our grocery shelves and delivering food.

That said, I need a break.

It's not about not taking it seriously, it's about quieting my body from the constant state of anxiety-bordering-fear since it became a pandemic mid-March. It's a boundary and I might change my mind, but it feels right for me right now.

I used to believe that once I had an opinion on something, I couldn't change my mind. That it'd be seen as weak or flaky (at best) unreliable or hypocritical (at worst). That's the oldest child, Virgo, and Enneagram 8 in me. So, for example, if I said brussels sprouts were the worst vegetable in the world as a 6-year-old, I'd have to stand by it now when crispy sprouts are a regular contributor to most delicious dinners. See how this is problematic?

Now I believe in nuances and not in binaries.

Now I believe in the grey zone instead of black-and-white.

Now I practice collaboration instead of prescription.

Which brings me back to my word of the year. When times seem anything but certain, I'm more certain than ever.

AND I'm certain that things will change.

I was toying with the idea of taking a break from all things C-word for now (it's like Voldemort, I dare not say its name). My brain went, "but how will your community know you are taking it seriously? Won't you be seen as insensitive? You can't put your head in the sand."

Then I practiced some reframing, and my internet friend Anna Salumbudes gave me words to label it "toxic collective energy," and I reframed my thoughts with certainty.

People will know I'm taking it seriously by providing content during a time of physical distancing (we need to be more social now than ever and we CAN do that at a distance)

My community will know I'm here for them by offering a much-needed distraction.

I'm being sensitive to the situation by offering space for us to quiet our brains, nervous systems, and more.

Which leads me to this.

I'm going to promise to NOT cover our current situation for a few days up to a few weeks.

I did cover uncertainty during this time in a podcast episode and YouTube video if you’d like to tune in to those. Link to the podcast and videos are here.

So that's my gift to you.

My feed isn't going to be beautifully curated. I'm going to check in with my body to see what I need to share that day, in the hopes that you'll find what you need when you need it. I'll be sharing everything from recipes (BUT YOU AREN'T A FOOD BLOGGER), to archives from different periods in my life (BUT YOU AREN'T A LIFESTYLE INFLUENCER), to meditations to keep you centered (BUT YOU AREN'T A MINDFULNESS PRACTITIONER) to coping with anxiety and money in your relationship (FINALLY, THAT'S WHY I FOLLOW YOU).

In certainty,


P.S. Need help finding your financial certainty? Did you know I offer 1-time power sessions to help you dig right into your financial uncertainty?

P.P.S This was written March, 2020 and is in reference to COVID-19. When it comes to the uncertainty due to racism that has plagued our country from its inception, I have additional thoughts on that and you are welcome to read them here.


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