Money Mastermind: How to Surround Yourself with Positive People


There is a saying that you are a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with. But how does that translate to your money? Talking about money can be awkward (hello! that's why I have a job as a financial therapist) but you can find a likeminded group of people to support you in your financial goals. It's a book club-mastermind hybrid, and it is going to level up your money game. In this video, I’ll show you how to search for others who have similar financial goals (often saving, debt repayment, or investing), how to reach out to them, and how to structure your meet-ups to maximize everyone’s time. Watch the video above for all the details.

TIP: If you are somewhere where you are unable to listen to the video (under your desk at work, cough cough) be sure to click on the ‘CC’ button to get closed captioning so you can read along.

Learn About Your Financial Archetype

One of my favorite first steps to understanding your money story is to dig into your financial archetype. Your money archetype can help you see yourself and how you relate to money and helps you see both the strengths and shadows of how your money shows up. To take the quiz, click here.


#1 Cause of Divorce According to a Financial Therapist


CERTAINTY is my word for 2020. Why amidst all the chaos I'm more certain than ever