Brave Space or Safe Space? Mind Money Balance's Stance


If you are a member of a marginalized community, it of course makes sense you'd be asking if I'm safe for you.

I strive to make my programs inclusive and have a zero-tolerance policy for anything hateful. I agree to be inclusive and welcoming of all genders, races, countries of origin, sexual orientations, religions, and abilities. I will, to the best of my ability, create a brave place for anyone and everyone who joins this program.

How I differentiate a “safe” from a “brave” space:

  • Safe Space A non-judgemental space. To me, this simply isn’t enough. I’ve been in so-called “safe spaces” that are anything but. Spaces full of women/femmes and BIPOC that continued to uphold patriarchal-like structures where the person “in charge” would shut down dialogue and wouldn’t agree to engage in open and uncomfortable dialogue. I’ve been in “safe spaces” that had underlying anti-Muslim, antisemitic, fat- and trans-phobic sentiments. To me, a safe space is a cop-out for actually engaging in inclusive social justice work.

  • Brave Space A space where participants acknowledge differences, engage in dialogue, tolerate discomfort, own their intention and impact, practice respect, and don’t engage in harm or attacks. This is the type of space I strive for in my work. The type of space where if—scratch that—when, I mess up, I own my mistake, apologize, and do work on my own time to ensure I don’t make the same mistake again. I don’t claim to be an anti-racist or social justice educator, but I do take seriously my role as a social worker, whether I’m in the role of a therapist or coach.

I’m a fan of dialogue, not cancel culture, but we can’t grow if we don’t feel safe.

Therefore, each Inside Out participant signs an agreement that says “We have come together to create a harm-free community to hold each other accountable to growing our businesses. To that end we agree to be kind, agree to learn, and do no harm.”

Ready to BRAVELY take steps to grow your private practice? Apply now for the 9-week group coaching program.


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