Why Therapist Directories Alone Won't Fill Your Private Practice


Online Therapist Directories

Online therapist directories are databases where therapists complete a profile, and therapy seekers can turn to the directory to look for a therapist. There’s nothing wrong with therapist directories, but therapist directories alone won’t fill your therapy private practice. I’ve seen too many therapists complete the questionnaires on therapist directories, then sit back and hope calls and emails will come in. Instead of taking that approach, learn from me (a therapist with a full practice) how to use therapist directories strategically and what else you can do to fill your private practice.

Therapist Directory Strategy

Joining most therapist directories are equivalent to playing 'Bingo' aka they aren't based on strategy. Let me share with you a story: It all started out with a game of Bingo. Seriously, I was playing virtual Bingo and getting frustrated about my lack of winning (0-7) when my equally competitive sister-in-law reminded me that Bingo requires no skill—it’s a game of chance. Therapist directories can be a game of chance (like Bingo). It’s a chance that a potential client finds you there and that they are a good fit. It’s a chance that your name or practice shows up when a client types in their keywords into google. It’s a chance that your name specifically will pop up among the thousands of other therapists listed on the directories. Playing “bingo” or playing a game of chance is no way to strategically and sustainably grow a profitable therapy practice.

Using Therapist Directories to Market

Using therapist directories can be a part of a strategic marketing plan. The ones I mentioned in this video that I’m listed on are Therapy Den, Inclusive Therapists, and the Asian Mental Health Project. I’m not affiliated with any of them, endorsing them, or sponsored by them, simply sharing my experience with them and being transparent about the ones I do use. In my practice, you’ll see that I’ve joined a few that are fully in alignment with my values. I value inclusivity, diversity, and a strengths-based approach. These therapist directories share those values too, so I’m happy to be listed on their sites. As a two-way “vetting” process, potential clients who land on my website see the respective badges from those therapist directories and can further see my values vetted. As a financial therapist who practices making both aligned AND data-driven choices, I check my website monthly to see if the therapist directories are driving traffic to my website. I find that to be almost as valuable as the directories directly driving me clients, and am happy to stay listed on the directories if they act as a generator of aligned traffic to my website.

Other Marketing Strategies for Therapists

Finding other marketing strategies for therapists outside of therapist directories is huge. Therapist directories aren’t bad, but I don’t think they should be your only marketing strategy. Creating an ongoing referral network is an important word-of-mouth marketing strategy, too. Think about what you’ve done when you are looking for a therapist. You usually ask family or friends for a referral or turn to google. If you aren’t showing up as an organic referral through those two common methods, you are missing out!

Your Therapy Website is a Marketing Tool

Make sure your therapy website is working hard to drive aligned clients your way! My website (yup, the one you are scrolling on right now!) is built on Squarespace, using a pre-designed website by Hold Space Creative. The words on my website specifically speak to clients who are struggling with the things I’m equipped to help with, making it a validating experience for a potential client who lands on my website. How do they get to my site? Often by searching my name (Lindsay Bryan-Podvin), the name of my company (Mind Money Balance), or my specialty (financial therapy, couples financial therapy, or financial coaching). I know this because I check google analytics to see what search terms are driving people to my therapy website, and create aligned content.

Group Coaching for Therapists

If you found this video or blog post helpful, my group coaching program for private practice therapists might be a great fit for you! Grow a Profitable Practice from the Inside Out is a nine-week group coaching program that can help with setting your fees in private practice, niching, non-icky, and authentic marketing (dare I say, you don't even need social media!?). If you are ready to fill your private practice without therapist directories being your only referral source, click here!


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