Therapists--Don't Take A Paycut

Therapists and healers: I see you.

  • We are trying to hold space for others as they process their fear, trauma, anxiety, and frustrations (while we collectively experience fear, trauma, anxiety, and frustrations).

  • We are hoping the transition to online services goes smoothly for our clients (as we silently double and triple check our wi-fi connections). We ground deeply as our clients' ability to cope is tested (as we try to increase our coping skills and self-care).

  • We nod along as our clients take their anger out on us (because how could we not send triple email reminders during this unprecedented time?!)

  • We empathize profoundly as our clients air their grievances, worries, and pain (as we try to contain the very real possibility of increased damage to our collective mental health)

  • We batten down tears as we hear about immunocompromised family members, parties and celebrations canceled, and the loss of life our clients experience (as we fret about our immunocompromised loved ones, mourn the loss of our plans, and come to terms with the funerals we won’t be able to attend due to social distancing)

This is hard. 

We aren't on the front lines in the same way our doctors, nurses, techs, EMTs, delivery drivers, janitors, and grocery store clerks are. But we are on the front lines of watching our collective mental health fragment and shatter. We are on the front lines of seeing how this crisis will leave a devastating financial and mental legacy. Keep taking care of yourself. 

Self-care IS taking care of your clients and your community. 

Including financial self-care.

Please don't take a pay cut right now. Putting yourself on shaky financial ground in the name of "serving" your clients will only do more long-term damage to you and your practice in the long run. Please don't let those ugly money stories convince you that you need to do everything pro-bono right now. 

We need mental healthcare workers now. And we need them to have on their version of an N-95 mask right now. And that means keeping doors open to serve clients and hold space for them and having an exchange of money for those services.  

We can't do that if we aren't paying our mortgage/rent, feeding ourselves nourishing food, and keeping on our internet connection.

Please practice financial self-care.

If you are a therapist and need some coaching around how to practice financial self-care, consider a 1:1 power session with me. I get it. I have unique insight on why this is so hard, and can help you shake out those old money stories that are holding you back.


How to Get Your Partner on Board to Talk About Money


Millionaire Monday with Michelle Bosch of InFLOW