
& Videos

Discover a fresh take on financial wellness through blogs and videos created by a licensed financial therapist. Explore money mindset without gaslighting, gain practical tips for managing your finances, and learn about the connection between mental health and money!

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

What Makes a Good Business Coach for Therapists

A good business coach can aid you in elevating your business, work sustainably, and help you with your money mindset. There are four things a good business coach should do PLUS seven red flags to be aware of before hiring a private practice coach.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Millionaire Monday: Meet April Stewart

April Stewart became a millionaire the slow and steady way. And now? She helps others do the same thing: paying down debt, investing, and learning the basics of personal finances in her Millionaire Money Plan course.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

How to Get More Therapy Clients With a Niche

Struggling to fill your private practice? Learn how to get more therapy clients by getting super specific about the types of clients you work with by carving out a counseling niche.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

When To Leave a Job You Love → Life After Social Work

As a social worker who desperately loved her work, how did I know it was time to leave a job I loved? It was a slow process, informed by years of hearing "that's just the way it is," but it was a literal lightbulb moment that helped me put in my notice to quit a social work job that was the best of the best.

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What is Lifestyle Creep? PLUS 4 Ways to Avoid Lifestyle Inflation

Part 3 of 3 Millennial Financial Wellness Series: Lifestyle creep is something that happens when people start earning more money. As they earn more, they spend more, which can make it difficult to set and achieve financial goals. Read on for 4 ways to avoid lifestyle inflation.

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