& Videos
Discover a fresh take on financial wellness through blogs and videos created by a licensed financial therapist. Explore money mindset without gaslighting, gain practical tips for managing your finances, and learn about the connection between mental health and money!
Browse the articles:
Prioritize Money Goals with This Free Decision-Making Tool
This free tool helps you prioritize and organize your money decisions.
Avoiding Money Scams: How to Protect Yourself Without Shame
Protect yourself from money scams without the guilt or shame.
3 Financial Resolutions Without the Overwhelm
Learn sustainable strategies for the top 3 financial resolutions: paying down debt, spending less, and saving more.
Financial Self-Care for the Holidays
This guide breaks down strategies to set financial holiday boundaries, identify emotional spending triggers, and prevent unnecessary expenses.
How to Deal with a Layoff: Coping with the Emotional Effects of Job Loss
Job loss is tough, and we don't talk enough about the emotional side of a layoff. Read on for ways to cope.
The Importance of Financial Wellness for Teams in the Workplace
Learn more about financial wellness at work and ssess your workplace financial wellness benefits.
Trust Yourself with Money: How to Build Self-Trust
Self-trust is having confidence and belief in one's own abilities. When it comes to money, having low self-trust can make it hard to make and stick to financial choices. Learn 5 signs of low-self trust and 6 actionable tips to improve it.
How to Achieve Financial Goals the FUN Way
Move over SMART goals, FUN goals are the better way to set and achieve personal finance goals that matter.
Loud Budgeting is just Financial Boundaries
“Loud Budgeting” is a trendy way of saying . . . “financial boundaries.” Learn how to find and communicate your money boundaries with family and friends.