
& Videos

Discover a fresh take on financial wellness through blogs and videos created by a licensed financial therapist. Explore money mindset without gaslighting, gain practical tips for managing your finances, and learn about the connection between mental health and money!

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

2019 Year in Review as the first Financial Therapist

2019 was A YEAR. With a 7-month-old certificate in financial social work, I told myself that 2019 was going to be the year of EXPERIMENTing. As a Virgo and Enneagram 8, letting go and trying alllll the things was a challenge, to say the least.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Moving to London: Money Tips from The Worth Project

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by The Worth Project’s Erica Gellerman to talk about what got me into financial therapy (read about it here). She generously returned the favor and let me do a mini financial therapy assessment and open up about some big differences she sees with money and lifestyle living abroad with her husband and son.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

CBT For Your Money Mindset

In my financial therapy sessions, I often pull techniques from other evidence-based therapy methods. One that comes in handy quite often is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Introducing Millionaire Monday ft. Roslynn Alba Cobarrubias

Part of my mission as a financial therapist and consultant is helping people feel good about their money. A huge mission of my work is showing diversity in the way money can look. Too often, people associate the word "millionaire" with an older, white male, or get a mixed-up idea that having money makes them a "bad" or "greedy" person.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Five Takeaways from Talking to Seven Millionaires

When shit doesn't work out, it's a lesson. When you are on the side of shit not having worked out, it's realllllly hard to find the silver lining. Today's a Monday. The last Monday in January, in fact.

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