
& Videos

Discover a fresh take on financial wellness through blogs and videos created by a licensed financial therapist. Explore money mindset without gaslighting, gain practical tips for managing your finances, and learn about the connection between mental health and money!

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Regrouping After a Failed Book Launch

"My first book signing was a flop." "This is so embarrassing." "It's only people I know here."   These were just a few of the thoughts I had on my first book event and signing. Cognitive distortions, unhealthy thoughts, non-compassionate stories, whatever you want to call them, I was having them.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Secrets of Financially Healthy Couples

I’ve seen first-hand as a financial therapist the types of things financially healthy couples do, over and over again, to strengthen their relationship by including money in it. In this video, I’m spilling the tea on how to take YOUR relationship and become financially healthy and wealthy.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Stop Treating Your Money Like a Diet

This video was initially live-streamed to my exclusive Facebook group; I'm sharing it with you here so you can hear just how serious I am about the DANGER of treating your finances like a restrictive, shameful, diet. In this video, I cover:

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Millionaire Monday with Court and Nic of Modern FImily

We are Court, Nic, and Finn. We are a lesbian family who reached financial independence in 2018 for our family of 3 in our early 30s, and we've also reached financial independence for our hopeful family of 4 in 2019 (we are hoping for another baby in 2021 and wanted to ensure we'd still be financially independent when our family grows).

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

3 Keys to a Financially Successful Relationship — [Video 1 of 3]

Let's get into the three keys you need to make your romantic relationship a success when it comes to money. Grab a paper and pen or paper and pencil because today's video (or if you're reading, today's blog post) is going to be a little bit more interactive.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Millionaire Monday with Stephanie Xenos

Hi friends! I'm Stephanie Xenos, recovering rocket scientist, member of the FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early) community, and founder of Money Muse. In 2018 at 32 years old, I reached financial independence and retired from a career spent at NASA and SpaceX.

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Lindsay Bryan-Podvin Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

Stop Money Worries using Logic (CBT Tips)

“I'll never have enough money." "I'm too stupid to understand how to manage my money." "What if I make a financial mistake that I can't undo?" Sound familiar? These are financially anxious thoughts, and these types of thoughts are what is cluttering up your mind and getting in the way of you having an amazing and empowered relationship with money.

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